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Career Coaching

I was fortunate to have worked with Judy. With her coaching, I explored Higher Ed adjacent career paths, identified my career priorities, polished my resume, and stayed motivated in times when I was beginning to second-guess my desire for a shift in my career path.

What's more, Judy helped me network and connect with other professionals working in my area of interest.

Judy's ability to meet her clients where they're at, empathize with their concerns, and foster a mutually trusting relationship, are just a few of her many interpersonal skills that help reduce the anxiety and second-guessing that come with relocating and exploring alternate career paths. I highly recommend Judy as a relocation and career-transitions coach.
–Anna Vest 

" I have worked with many different coaches in the past and experienced the most immediate results working with Judy.  I started working with Judy during a period of immense change - I had just moved across the country and was looking to change careers but I didn't know what I wanted to do next.  Judy's calm and grounding presence allowed me to feel safe to explore and learn about myself - what brings me joy, what are my gifts, and how I work best.  I have already applied these lessons during the time in between our sessions, even in some unexpected ways, and I know I will continue to carry that with me well into the future.  Working with Judy has had such a positive impact on my life and I am so appreciative for having had the opportunity to work with her." ~ Christine Ju

"Judy opened my eyes! I let go of what I thought I 'should' be doing and discovered the strengths that led me to find the perfect fit for me. In my new role, every day is a great day -- I leave happy to go to work and am happy at the end of the day, too. I'm proud of the work I'm doing and of what I'm bringing home for my new family."

~ Scott Hinds


"Since working with Judy, I have landed in a job that fits!  My confidence has grown because I understand and appreciate my strengths and can articulate the value I bring to my profession. Coaching has helped me in innumerable other positive ways;  I no longer believe that it’s too late in my life to explore my dreams and interests and see many more options for how to fulfill myself on a daily basis.  I now look at discomfort as part of stretching myself and not something to be fearful of.  And, I have a larger capacity (including new strategies) for tackling roadblocks.  Thank you, Judy! ~ S. G., Master Scheduler

"Judy Garfinkel has made a significant impact in my life. She helped me find “my calling” in terms of the career change I wanted to make. Not only did she help me identify my new career path; she also helped me draft a resume targeted to my career and develop a networking plan. Judy even used her connections to get me started. For the last few years, I was feeling very “stuck” and if it hadn’t been for collaborating with Judy, I’m not sure I would have discovered what I feel I was really meant to do. Judy has always been attentive to my needs by helping me work through obstacles and questions while supporting me through each step of the way. Her insight and feedback are invaluable. Judy understands that no two people are alike and develops her strategies to meet the needs of her individual clients. I can say this with certainty as one of my relatives is also working with Judy. A lovely and caring individual, I would recommend her highly to anyone seeking to make a transition within today’s workforce.  ~ Shelley Kenny, Copyeditor/Proofreader

"I have the pleasure of working with Judy as I transition from stay-at-home mom to full time work. Using a variety of on-line tools, Judy helped me clarify my career goals, along with my limitations, so that we could identify opportunities that I would not have discovered on my own. She is an excellent listener, empathetic to challenges, with the ability to ferret out the most important issues. In addition to big picture advice and encouragement, Judy identified the essential tasks and provided concrete practical steps to help me through this progression. ~ Susie Copley, Marketing Executive 

"I was worried that coaching wouldn’t work for me. I’m a visual artist and talking, writing, and linear thinking aren’t my strong points. Judy understood. She honored my process and brilliantly worked with my strengths to develop a "plan" (a word I used to hate) that worked for me. I am now officially a Ph.D!  

~ Anonymous

"I had a wonderful experience working with Judy Garfinkel! She perfectly blends all the elements necessary for career coaching: deep life and teaching experience, incredible listening skills, useful tools, and sincere caring guidance. She is a gem! ~ Pamela D.


Life Coaching

"I began working with Judy to help me work through a personal and professional transition.  Judy helped me identify my true goals - some of which surprised me - and gave me the tools to achieve them.  Judy has a gift for listening and she takes in all that you say.  Her eclectic background allowed me to connect with her on many levels- as an artist, a teacher, a coach and as someone who has reflected deeply about psychological and professional challenges.  Judy is, as Henry James said, someone on whom nothing is lost. Our work together helped me overcome a lot of obstacles, including the ones I had put in place myself. Her calming presence,  her holistic approach and her powerful insight allowed me to make progress very quickly.  She gave me tools, like Focusing and calming techniques that allowed me to hear my own thoughts with clarity. In just six months, I met every one of the goals we had set together, and on all the issues over which I felt conflict, I now feel equanimity.  I feel so fortunate to have had her as my coach. ~ Elizabeth M., Professor, Writer

"After working with Judy I feel bigger.I am empowered by the new tools she gave me and am confident that I can use them to help me through places where I get stuck. Judy’s positive presence and excellent questions led to new insights and possibilities. Her enthusiasm made it so much easier to clarify my goals and then stay focused as I followed through on them. My advice to you is to work with Judy and to be open to new perspectives, new ideas and new techniques that lead to change. Let the process happen – it works! 

~ Anne Marie H., Psychotherapist       

"The gift of good coaching is vision – to see just what it is that a client is striving for and coax it out. Judy helped me in ways I could only glimpse on my own: with her in the role of guide as much as coach, I was able to articulate clear goals, on both the professional and personal levels, and examine the blocks in my way toward achieving them.  There's a joy, too, that she brings to the process, which makes her a natural as a life coach. ~ Deborah Batterman, Author

"Our coaching sessions provide an incredibly safe environment in which I can unpack, explore and consider my wants, dreams and needs. Judy has a way of staying present, contributing without interference and remaining neutral so that the process is always mine. She has a way of helping me to develop greater vision, foresight and the ability to move forward in my life for which I am grateful." 

~ Caren Keller, Dir. Member Services

"When I work with you, just talking to you, I get a sense of freedom. It's as if I can hear the nuggets and connect the dots."~ Larry Mercer, Consultant

"Judy helps me not only frame goals for change but encourages me to go to a deeper level; to explore the "why" of those goals, the "how" I want the experience of going for them to feel, and the "what" I want achieving them to look like. Her methods help me find and make more authentic choices than I would have with a different coach, or on my own. Judy helps guide me to find my own answers, and gain a true sense of clarity. I feel empowered, focused and lighter after my sessions with her."~ A. Hart

Anna Vest
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